Tuesday, August 5, 2008

first encounter

from what i recall it all started with the knock on the door, some man was at the door talking with my mom, it was saturday morning.

let me lay in a few more details to flesh this shit out.

it was EARLY saturday morning, my little brother and i were watching the thunderbirds show ("Fab!") and my little sister was asleep in her bed still, mom was making bacon and eggs. we also had the bird out of its cage, flying about, being as free as a caged bird can be, in a house, an even bigger cage for that little winged bastard.

KNOCK KNOCK, mom turns off the stove and opens the door, and this guy is behind the screen door, and i remember my mom holding onto it

"have you heard about your lord and savior" the man asked mom
"i dont have time for this, please leave"

the guy then tried opening the door and my mom is yelling "Leave!", and hes pulling on the screen door, then WHOOSH the fucking bird flies out of the house, my little brother and i start after it, hoping to save it from the cruel world that it was taken from in the first place.

"Leave! Get ouf of here!" mom is fucking livid, red as a beet, then she pushes the guy off the porch and starts after him...

to imagine, several years later i would actually believe in that same shit, but thats for another post

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